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Monday, March 11, 2013

Don't stain, OXIDIZE!

To create the oxidize mixture fill a glass jar half way with white vinegar. Next, cut up very small pieces of Grade #0000 Steel wool (I found it at lowes, near the paint section) & add to vinegar jar. It will take 1 -2 weeks to begin to rust; shake it occasionally.
It should look like something this when its ready to be used:

Paint the mixture on your project with a foam brush. At first it won't look like anything is happening: Like this picture:

Give it an hour or so to soak in & then you will have a beautiful weathered look! See picture below the original color of the wood next to the oxidized piece. I used polyurethane to seal it. It brings out even more of a rich brown, which I love!

For more info on oxidizing wood & for low VOC finishes click: The Friendly Home

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